Adds a view to the TabStack and returns the view's identity.
Add a view to a TabStack
if (! {
throw new Error('Not running in a platform View.');
const stack = await;
// Alternatively, you can wrap any view and get the stack from there
// const viewFromSomewhere = fin.View.wrapSync(someView.identity);
// const stack = await viewFromSomewhere.getCurrentStack();
const googleViewIdentity = await stack.addView({ name: 'google-view', url: '' });
console.log('Identity of the google view just added', { googleViewIdentity });
// pass in { index: number } to set the index in the stack. Here 1 means, end of the stack (defaults to 0)
const appleViewIdentity = await stack.addView({ name: 'apple-view', url: '' }, { index: 1 });
console.log('Identity of the apple view just added', { appleViewIdentity });