Tutorial: PlatformProvider.getWindowContext


Allows overriding a platform's default getWindowContext behavior. All calls to Platform.getWindowContext will pass through the override.


const overrideCallback = (PlatformProvider) => {
    class Override extends PlatformProvider {
        async getWindowContext(payload, callerIdentity) {
            // Perhaps in our platform, we wish to make window context available only to views from a given domain.
            const { entityType } = callerIdentity;
            if (entityType === 'view') {
                const { url } = await fin.View.wrapSync(callerIdentity).getInfo();
                if (!url.startsWith('https://my.trusted-domain.com')) {
                    throw new Error('Only apps from trusted domains may use window context in this platform.');
            return super.getWindowContext(payload, callerIdentity);
    return new Override();

fin.Platform.init({ overrideCallback });