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Interactions in a notification

You can configure user interactions in a notification for:

These elements all depend on the Actions module, which lets you respond to events that are generated by any of the following:

  • The action triggers associated with the onClick property of buttons or actionable fragments

  • The onSelect property of the notification body

  • Form validation or submission

How it works

You provide a NotificationActionResult object -- represented as CustomData -- for the onClick property of a button or actionable fragment, or for the onSelect property of the body of the notification. This generates an event of type notification-action you configure your application to receive.

If you do not specify NotificationActionResult, for example for the case where a button represents a "dismiss" or "cancel" action, a notification-closed event is generated. For a complete list of events, see the API reference for addEventListener. These events are types of the NotificationActionEvent interface .

You configure your application to receive events with the addEventListener function, and define the how the application responds as part of the function.

For forms, the event types are notification-form-submitted and notification-form-values-changed. See the Forms article for details about how to configure a form, its special button properties, and its event listeners.

The following example:

  • Creates a notification that defines the onSelect and buttons.onClick properties with custom data

  • Defines the related addEventListener to respond when the user selects the body of the notification or clicks the actionable button

The following example shows how to construct a notification that includes a button with the onClick property. It also configures the sending application to listen for the associated event.

import {addEventListener, create} from "@openfin/workspace/notifications";

// Create notification to remind and link to an external calendar event
// note that this is a reminder about an external event, not the notification itself
title: "Reminder",
body: "Event "Weekly Meeting" is starting soon...",

// custom data about the notification itself, not the user interaction
customData: {
eventId: "12345"

// register an "onSelect" event for when the user selects the body of the notification
// sends the user to the external calendar application
onSelect: {
task: "view-calendar-event",
target: "popup"

buttons: [
// Button schedules another reminder for 5 minutes later
// this reminder is sent from the external application, not the notifications app
title: "Snooze for 5 minutes",
iconUrl: "",
cta: true,
// application defined properties and data
task: "schedule-reminder",
intervalMs: 5 * 60 * 1000

// Button closes notification and doesn"t reprompt the user
title: "Dismiss",
iconUrl: ""

// Create a listener that is called for each action
addEventListener("notification-action", (event: NotificationActionEvent) =>
} = event;

if (result["task"] === "view-calendar-event")
// Open a window with full details of the associated event
openEventDetails(notification.customData.eventId, result["target"]);
else if (result["task"] === "schedule-reminder")
// Schedule a new notification
notification.customData.eventId, + result["intervalMs"]
} // Etc...

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