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getAllApplications(callBack:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
Retrieves an array of data (uuid, running/active state) for all application windows The object passed to callback takes the form: [ { uuid: (string) uuid of the application, isRunning: (bool) true when the application is running/active }, ...
getAllWindows(callBack:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
The object passed to callback takes the form: [ { uuid: (string) uuid of the application, mainWindow: { name: (string) name of the main window, top: (integer) top-most coordinate of the main window, right: (integer) right-most coordinate of the main window, bottom: (integer) bottom-most coordinate of the main window, left: (integer) left-most coordinate of the main window }, childWindows: [{ name: (string) name of the child window, top: (integer) top-most coordinate of the child window, right: (integer) right-most coordinate of the child window, bottom: (integer) bottom-most coordinate of the child window, left: (integer) left-most coordinate of the child window }, ...
getBounds(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.Window
getChildWindows(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.Application
Retrieves an array of wrapped fin.desktop.Windows for each of the application’s child windows.
getCommandLineArguments(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
Retrieves the command line argument string that started the App
getDeviceId(callBack:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
Gets Device ID
getGroup(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.Window
getGroups(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.Application
Retrieves an array of active window groups for all of the application's windows.
getInstance() — Static Method , class fin.desktop.InterApplicationBus
getInstance() — Static Method , class fin.desktop.System
Gets and instance of the System
getInstance() — Static Method , class fin.desktop.connection.DesktopConnection
getInstances() — Static Method , class fin.desktop.Application
getInstances() — Static Method , class fin.desktop.Notification
getInstances() — Static Method , class fin.desktop.Window
getLog(options:Object, callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
Retrieves the contents of the log with the specified filenamener
getLogList(callBack:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
Retrieves an array of data objects for all available logs Each object in the returned array takes the form: { name: (string) the filename of the log, size: (integer) the size of the log in bytes, date: (integer) the unix time at which the log was created }
getManifest(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.Application
Retrieves the JSON manifest that was used to create the application.
getMonitorInfo(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
getMousePosition(callBack:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
Returns the mouse in virtual screen coordinates (left, top) The returned object takes the form: { top: (integer) the top position of the mouse in virtual screen coordinates, left: (integer) the left position of the mouse in virtual screen coordinates }
getOptions(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.Window
getProcessList(callBack:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
Retrieves an array of all processes that are currently running Each element in the array is an object containing the uuid and the name of the application to which the process belongs.
getSnapshot(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.Window
getState(callback:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.Window
Gets the current state ("minimized", "maximized", or "restored") of the window
getVersion(callBack:Function, errorCallback:Function) — method, class fin.desktop.System
Gets AppDesktop version number
GROUP_CHANGED — Constant Static Property, class fin.desktop.events.WindowEvent
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